+254 727 532 250, +962 799 953 389

Damian Cook – E-Tourism Frontiers

damianDamian Cook is the founder and Managing Director of E-Tourism Frontiers- a major global initiative to develop online tourism in emerging markets. He has lived and travelled all over Africa- and it was his experience of working in tourism, the media and marketing that led him to see that Africa’s failure to access the online sector presented a major threat to the sustainable future of tourism. After working as a consultant in both the public and private sector developing destination websites and online marketing campaigns he formed E-Tourism Africa, which worked across the continent, training and facilitating business for the sector. E-Tourism Africa has successfully trained hundreds of tourism professionals and has brought leading International experts and major travel firms and intermediaries to Africa to do business. E-Tourism Frontiers now takes the same approach in all emerging markets. He has made presentations to numerous international forums, including the World Information Summit in Tunis, the UN Experts Panel on E-Tourism, ITB in Berlin and the IFITT ENTER conference, as well as Presidential African inward investment presentations in China, Japan and Thailand.



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