E-Tourism Frontiers will be holding Digital Tourism Seminars for small businesses in both Johannesburg and Cape Town in partnership with Gauteng Tourism Authority (GTA) and Cape Town Tourism (CTT) in coming months.
This will start with sessions in Soweto with GTA for small tourism businesses offering practical training, solutions and advice for business owners on September 2-3rd. This will be followed with sessions in Cape town for members of CTT on the 8-9th October. Both sessions will feature content and case studies form other African businesses and include locally available and appropriate solutions. They will help small to medium business owners to improve their understanding of online marketing, teach them new skill and reach new customers.
Sessions will cover all aspects of social media and digital marketing, including the latest emerging platforms and tried and true online resources.
These seminars are by invitation via the local organizing partners. Please contact us at info@e-tourismfrontiers.com for further information.
Also don’t miss our upcoming E-Tourism Africa Summit #eTAS15 in both Cape Town and Tshwane.